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Peipei Zhu Et Als Groundbreaking Proteomic Strategy Identifies Shp2 Substrates

Peipei Zhu et al.'s groundbreaking proteomic strategy identifies SHP2 substrates


In a groundbreaking study published in Nature, Peipei Zhu and colleagues employed an integrated proteomics strategy to identify substrates of SHP2, a protein tyrosine phosphatase crucial for various cellular processes. Their findings provide new insights into SHP2's role in cellular signaling and disease pathogenesis.

Key Findings

Utilizing a combination of stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) and tandem mass spectrometry, Zhu et al. identified 125 SHP2 substrates. These substrates were involved in diverse cellular pathways, including cell adhesion, migration, and growth factor signaling.

Among the identified substrates, the researchers focused on the protein Dok1, which is involved in immune cell signaling. They demonstrated that SHP2 dephosphorylates Dok1, leading to its activation and subsequent downstream signaling events.


The identification of SHP2 substrates provides a comprehensive understanding of its role in cellular signaling. This knowledge could aid in the development of novel therapeutic strategies for diseases associated with dysregulated SHP2 activity, such as cancer and immune disorders.
